

jdl008 初中作文 2024-05-06 22浏览 0

1、How to Make Fruit Salad To make fruit salad, we need one apple, two oranges, one watermelon, three teaspoons of honey and one cup of yogurt First, peel the apple and oranges and cut them up Also;郊外野餐 Last week we went to the countryside to have a picnicWe bought some sandwiches,fruit and water to take with us for lunch上星期我们去城外野餐,我们为午饭准备了三明治水果和水We started out quite;如何制作水果沙拉 我知道如何做水果沙拉你学习吗?让我来告诉你首先,我们需要一些水果,如苹果,香蕉,桔子我们需要一些然后我们剥香蕉,和洗苹果我们把它们放在一个玻璃碗但是我们还需要一些牛奶因为牛奶对我们的。


2、Learn to make fruit salad现在水果沙拉已经做好了Now the fruit salad was ready我们需要一升牛奶糖和两斤肉做水果沙拉We need a liter of milk, the sugar and two kilos of meat to make the fruit salad;We all like to eat friut salad I t is very delious,and it is good for our healthNow ,let me tell you how to do itFist ,we need some ingradents the milk ,an apple,an orange,a tomato, and;a bowl and put all these into it Pour some jam果酱 , yogurt 酸奶or salad sauce 沙拉酱and add them to the fruit and mix them together Then you can eat it It must be delicious;one apple, two tangerines, one watermelon, a cup of sour milk, three tea spoon of honeyProcess1 cut the apple into little parts,2 take out the skin of oranges and pull it into segments,3 cut;The fruit salad水果沙拉 The fruit salad is made of what you want to do水果沙拉是由什么而做的,那是你说的算的Looks like bananas,apples,pears,cucumbers,melons,meats,and so onI like fruit salad very m;制作水果沙拉的步骤首先先把蔬菜或水果洗干净,然后切开放入碗里随后在碗里加入沙拉酱并搅拌均匀,完成蔬菜沙拉 蔬菜沙拉是一道 以圆白菜番茄黄瓜等作为主要食材制作而成的美食蔬菜沙拉是一种非常营养健康的饮食方法;制作水果沙拉的英文作文怎么写 Fruits salad is a kind of tasting and healthy foodPeople like to eat it after dinner or beeen meals How to make it It is quite easy ,only takes you three steps First ,you go;First,cut up three bananas ,three apples and three pearsThen,put these to a bowlNext, put two teaspoon of salad to the bowlFinally,mix them all upThe fruit salad is OKYou can try it。

3、写作思路详细写出做水果沙拉的过程即可I made a fruit salad for my parents last week I felt very happy after that First, I washed two apples ,two bananas and a piece of watermeionThen I cut up;Today ,I did a fruit salad by myself First wash different fruits and peel them I used two applestwo bananas one watermelon and a pineapple SecondCut them and mix them up I put them on。

4、Today is my sister#39s birthday, I give my sister to do her favorite fruit salad My sister is very happy今天是我姐姐的生日,我给姐姐做了她最喜欢吃的沙拉我的姐姐很高兴1 The three bananas, three;To make a fruit salad, you should wash some kinds of fruit first If you prepare to use apples or pears, you should peel them Cut all the fruit into pieces and put all the pieces in a big bowl;I t is very delious,and it is good for our healthNow ,let me tell you how to do itFist ,we need some ingradents the milk ,an apple,an orange,a tomato, and a bananaWe peel the the orange。




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