

jdl008 小学作文 2024-06-03 23浏览 0

1华尔街 Wall Street is the name of a narrow street in lower Manhattan in New York City, running east from Broadway downhill to the East River Considered to be the historical heart of the Financial District, it was the first permanent home of the New York Stock ExchangeThe;纽约州位于美国中大西洋及东北地区,是人口第三的州,据2006年统计人口为19,306,183纽约的面积为141,299平方公里,是美国第27大州南面是新泽西和宾夕法尼亚,东面是康涅狄格,马塞诸塞和佛蒙特州New York City is located in the Northeastern United States, in southeastern New York State。


范文New York#39s Chinatown is a cultural haven full of ancient and exotic traditions, and a huge amount of restaurants This bustling and crowded neighborhood is home to over half of the city#39s Chinese populationIn the grocery stores and fruit stands, you will find many food it;the largest harbour in America The world#39s second largest city, second only to Tokyo, is the world#39s economic center, was praised as a world city, located in southeastern New York state According to the latest census in 2010, the New York metropolitan area has a population o。


纽约市是世界上最著名的城市之一作者在第一段里介绍了纽约的 名胜景区,第一段讲述了联合国总部的情况,第二段描述了世界贸易中心,使读者对纽约有了清晰的印象参考译文世界之城纽约 大部分人把纽约市想像成一座挤满摩天大楼的城市也许他们还将这座城市与世界贸易中心,自由女神像,第五;写作思路及要点审清题目,确定中心,选择材料In New York, there are two tunnels the Lincoln tunnel and the Dutch tunnel在纽约,有两条隧道林肯隧道和荷兰隧道Lincoln tunnel is a tunnel in New York State, across the Hudson River and connecting New Jersey林肯隧道是纽约州的一;New York纽约 A huge suspension bridge, the second largest span in the world, now crosses the Verrazanon Narrows through which every ship must pass on its way to New York Harbor and the docks along side the banks of the Hudson RiverGiovanni da Verrazano, an Italian explorer, was the first;这座城市也是联合国总部的所在地来自世界各国的外交人员住在这里,在联合国上班在联合国工作的译员必须会讲联合国五种正式语言中的一种这五种语言是英语法语西班牙语俄语和汉语世界贸易中心是沿着哈得逊河的“商业联合国”它的双塔高405米,每座塔有110层两座塔共有48 600架窗户;New York The City of New York is America#39s largest City in The world, and a harbor in New York City, a southeast For more than a century, the city has been the world#39s most important commercial and financial centers New York is a worldclass metropolis of globalization;New York City, located on the Atlantic coast in the southeast of New York State, is the largest city and port in the United States The New York metropolitan area is one of the largest metropolitan areas in the world纽约市,位于美国纽约州东南部大西洋沿岸,是美国第一大城市及第。

Central Park New Yorkers love Central Park It#39s an enormous green zone frequented by skaters, joggers, musicians and tourists, as well as some quieter areas There is also a small zoo in the parkEmpire State Building A skyscraper with a romantic soul Built during the;纽约英文介绍New York City, located on the Atlantic coast of southeastern New York State, is the largest city and port in the United States and one of the largest cities in the world It is also known as quotPort Nuremenquot together with London, England and Hong Kong, China I;New York City is the most beguiling place there is You may not think so at first for the city is admittedly mad, the epitome in many ways of all that is wrong in modern America But spend even a week here and it happens the pace, the adrenaline take hold, and;This is Chinatown Within Chinatown, self seems to forget that self is in USA , seeing that is Chinese characters , hearing is Chinese Chinatown be centre of local Chinese, and be rich in east charm tourist spot not only纽约的汽车,计程车,巴士在马路上出处可见在街上,挤满了;The City of New York, most often called New York City, is the most populous city in the United States, in a metropolitan area that ranks among the world#39s mostpopulous urban areas It is a leading global city, exerting a powerful influence over worldwide commerce, finance。

and three million people are expected to visit over the course of the year我想向你们介绍这个地方纽约的“空中花园”不是一个真正的花园,它是一个城市高线公园每个市民都喜欢在那里坐一坐看看熙熙攘攘的交通它是位于这座繁忙城市中美丽的香格里拉高线公园已经成为各种活动的聚集场合,就。



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