

jdl008 初中作文 2024-07-01 10浏览 0



My Home Town 我的家乡 My home town is a beautiful place It stands beside a wide river and is rich in fish and rice我的家乡是一个美丽的地方它坐落在一条宽阔的河流旁边,盛产鱼和米饭But in the old days it was a poor and backward little town Many people had no work。

I love my hometown All the more I love its people They are working hard so as to make it still richer and more beautiful我的家乡 我的家乡是个美丽的地方,它座落在一条宽宽的小河旁边,富产鱼和大米但是在过去它是个又穷又偏僻的小镇很多人没有工作,生活很难过1949年解放。

我的家乡英语作文篇1 My hometown is suizhou, there is very beautiful in a city park and the south of baiyun shennong park, is recreation visit places Winding road, and thick vegetation and Xuan mesh to deprive a person bonsai, let a person with natureTo realize fall, lake f。

In general,my hometown has developed to a great extent in these years我的家乡近几年来经历了很多重大变化一方面,工业转型为了旅游业过去在我家乡附近的山中,曾经有很多产煤的工厂但是经过这几年,当地政府努力控制环境污染所以,引领经济已经变成了旅游业,而不再是工业镇中心目睹了城镇居民的。

My hometown我的家乡 My hometown is XX,a small city in Southwest China,surrounded by rolling green mountainsA river runs through it,with locust trees lining along both banksIn Spring the locust trees all blossom at the same time,spreading the delicate fragrance all around the city。




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