

jdl008 初中作文 2024-07-04 8浏览 0

My life has changed a lot in the last few yearsI used to be shy My face used to turn red when i talk with others In class, I used to be quiet and didn#39t ask and answer questions After school, I used to walk alone and just smiled when I met neighboursNow, I;广场上的机器人全都变成了quot冰雕quot,人们吓得抱在一起,一个扁菱形的飞行物降落在广场上伴随着绚丽光圈的升起,一位穿着奇异的男子飘在空中,他用标准的地球语一字一句地说quot地球人,我是宇宙联合体派来解救你们的和平卫士,作文素材写机器人的作文经历了这场劫难。

爸爸,很快您就要84岁了,您和我也将度过这第55个“父亲节”“父亲节”的那天,我总是不能和您在一起,连您过生日的时候我也是这样,但这并不是因为我不想陪在您身边其实,在我心里,我总是和您在一起不过,有的时候,生活也会有差错 九年级英语作文 篇4 本单元话题为“我们怎样变化的”,主要围绕人或;九年级上册英语作文4 假设你是林涛,今年暑假计划去北京旅行你想邀请外籍朋友Tom一起去请发一封电子邮件给Tom,告诉他你的计划,并向他提出邀请要求可适当发挥,不少于80词开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数Dear Tom,I would like to tell you my plan for the coming summer holiday。

无论是在学校还是在社会中,大家总少不了接触作文吧,作文根据写作时限的不同可以分为限时作文和非限时作文相信写作文是一个让许多人都头痛的问题,以下是我为大家整理的九年级英语作文5篇,欢迎阅读,希望大家能够喜欢 九年级英语作文 篇1 This summer, i had some special days i joined dongzhou international;My Experiece in the Morning Fog Fog is a natural phenomenon It usually appears in the morning, so people call it morning fogIt is Tuesday today I got up very early to do some jogging as uaual When I got out of the building, I found that I was surrounded by the fog。


1、Bad eating habits can destroy our health,lots of diseases occur because of bad eating habits There are lots of bad eating habits in our life which we always ignoreFor example,Watching television while having meals or snacks Doing this means you don#39t pay attention to your food。


2、Bad eating habits can destroy our health,lots of diseases occur because of bad eating habits There are lots of bad eating habits in our life which we always ignore For example,Watching television while having meals or snacks。

3、learn other people#39s strengths, first acquaintance and speak, and all men met strangers gradually shy The key is insist to take exercise, this small problem can solve mei,You are very clever, speak English very good grades is very goodI#39ll tell the other students, let them。

4、By Walter Updegrave, MONEY Magazine senior editor January 13, 2006 1136 AM EST NEW YORK MONEY Magazine What can you do to ensure you#39ll be happy after you retire? The answer might seem obvious Just sock away as much as you can in your 401k The bigger your。

5、be outging when I was in the primary school Now I’am quieter I used to comb two braids Now I comb a braids And I used to be lazy but now I become a little hardworking Then I used to like watching TV , but now I think it’s too boringI often miss the。

6、My life has changed a lot in the last few yearsI used to be shy My face used to turn red when i talk with others In class, I used to be quiet and didn#39t ask and answer questions After school, I used to walk alone and just smiled when I met neighboursNow。

7、Friends areimportant in our life They are always with us When we are happy, we feel happy as we are When we are sad, they try to cheer us up Friendship is our necessity It’s a warm feeling between you and your friends This feeling makes you smile all the time。


8、How I#39ve ChangedtitleMy life has changed a lot in the past few years And I used to be outging when I was in the primary school Now I’am quieter I used to comb two braids Now I comb a braids And I used to be lazy but now I become a little hard。


I’m a middle school student I#39ve changed a lot in the past few yearsI used to be shy My face used to turn red when i talk with others In class, I used to be quiet and didn#39t ask and answer questions After school, I used to walk alone and just smiled when。

The weekend is coming I will have a happy weekend On Saturday morning, I’m going to do my homework And then, I’m going out to play with my friends I’m going to the bookstore and read some books In the evening, I am going to have dinner with my parents。

My teachers and some elderly people often praise me They always say that I must have a bright future, because I like study very much I really like study The knowledge from the book attracts me so much Every time I search the knowledge there, I feel very satisfied, excite。

九年级英语作文 篇3 本单元涉及的话题是“中国制造的东西”,话题作文通常会涉及民间艺术以及文化传承这是一个适合记叙说明两种体裁相结合的话题,同时也是学生喜欢写有话写的题材写好这类文章,最重要的是准确捕捉写作的“精髓”,有条理的把要描述的某一事物展现出来,此类话题的写作要立足。



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