

jdl008 小学作文 2024-07-04 8浏览 0

范文Preparing for a picnic 准备野餐 A great way to relax on a warm summer day is to pack a basket with great food and head out into nature to enjoy a picnicSome folks prefer the scenic beauty of a public park,while others prefer more of a wooded atmosphereYou can have a。

野餐的六年级英语作文1 Last Sundy I went to the park with my friendIt took us an hour to get there by bikeIt was sunny and warm that dayThere were lots of people in the parkWe climbed the mountain and went boatingAnd we had a picnic in the park,tooWhen w。

When the weather was fine, Linda, Sally and I went to Meiyuan park for a picnic天气好的时候,我琳达和莎莉一起去梅园公园野餐I have to go to the supermarket in advance to buy some socks and coke我必须提前去超市,买些袜子和可乐No problem! We must walk to the park。


we went homeIt was a happy day上个星期我和父母进行了一次野餐那是一个晴朗的日子,我们七点出发我们驾车到公园,公园很大,我觉得里面有上千人当我们到达公园的时候我觉得肚子饿,我们喝了一些果汁,吃了美味的食物吃完我们就在公园里面玩,然后五点我们就回家了这真是快乐的一天。

高一英语作文 暑假计划睡觉 去农村野营 看名著 照顾姥姥 为了安全起见,不得不多说一些给你了 帐篷露营是野外旅行登山探险等各种户外活动的主要宿营方式,也是值得积极提倡的宿营方式 它的特点 首先是最贴近自然,没有什么方式比睡帐篷更加贴近大自然了,想想你身下就是大地而不是什么席梦思钢丝床及水泥地,打开。



Last Sundy I went to the park with my friend It took us an hour to get there by bike It was sunny and warm that day There were lots of people in the park We climbed the mountain and went boating And we had a picnic in the park,too When we finished the picnic。



What an unforgettable picnic it was!今天天气很好我们决定去郊外野餐在早晨,我们乘早班车去山上这是相当丰富多彩的世界有绿色的树,橙叶,红色的桃花中午,我们到达的地方,我们坐在河边,拿出了很多的东西,如面包,橙汁,苹果,蛋糕,等等但突然,它开始下雨但不幸的是没有住所附近。

It#39s fine today We decided to have a picnic outside the city In the morning, we took an early bus to a mountain It was quite a colorful world There were green trees, orange leaves,red peach blossoms At noon, we reached the place, we sat by the river bank and。


and then find a suitable place for a picnic, and put the food down i saw some in riding a bicycle some eat some in the painting today is my most happy day it is rewarding for a day 译文 我和朋友们一起去公园野餐 一天,爸爸说要带我去公园野餐,我非常兴奋,立刻准备好装。


We had a picnic in fall last year First we climbed to the top of the hill where we saw many pupils there We talked ,laughed and played together then at picnic time, we shared our foodwith each otherWe saw a beautiful stream near by but there was much rubbish in it。



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