

jdl008 初中作文 2024-07-06 9浏览 0

初中英语作文100字左右 篇1 I am a big fan of tennis match, since our countryrsquos great athlete Li Narsquos retired, I am still keep an eye on the tennis Australian Open is held in the first month of the year, this year, I watched a great game The womenrs。

今天是星期天,天气晴朗我们和来自Canada的英语老师Alice来到人民公园 瞧,Tom和五个男同学在踢球Cina和一些女同学在放风筝我和Alice正在公园附近拍照Alice和我们都非常高兴Alice在英语方面帮助了我们很多 2假打算I will have a busy summer vacation I am going to do my homework every day I。


100字高一 英语作文 1 Chinese parents are believed to be the most responsible parents in the world, they would do anything for their kids, such as washing their clothes and cleaning their bedroom just to let the children have more time to study When the children grow up。

英语作文10篇100字带翻译篇1 People always confuse about the meaning of happiness, they don’t know how to define it Some people think that when one has the successful career or does something that makes contribution to the society is the happiness It is common that great acts are admired。

精选高中英语作文100字左右篇1 Now people in significant numbers are beginning to compare themselves with others They harbor the idea that comparison can not only make them realize the differences between them and others, but also make them strive They retreat surpassing others as。

1My Summer holidays I love holidays,because during holidays ,I can do everything I like,and study something newNow the summer holidays is coming,I#39m going to do something meaningful I like English,I spell words well,but I can not speak English very wellSo I want to。

高中英语作文范文100字左右篇1 What is healthy diet? To the most people, healthy diet means more green foods, no junk foods The green food is those pollutionfree, high quality and nutrient food, including the organic vegetables and meats, fruits, eggs and so on The meals。


1小学生优秀英语作文100字 Hello, everyone My name is Kelly I am friendly and honestI am good at English and mathI like surfing the internet,playing computer games, watching TV and travelingI also like playing table tennis and I am good at it ,tooI often play table。

1 英语作文100字左右及翻译 1TheNewspaper ,weshallwillgetenoughknowledgetocopewithourcircumstances报纸 现今报纸。

5 英语作文 100字左右 Dear Sirs, I#39m with the Student Union I#39m writting to invite you to have a picnic with us There is the poster Participants The teachers and the students of Grade 1 Activities forms Flying kites, having a picnic, taking photos and so on Place Pear Orc。

如果您不是愉快的,您能微笑,您然后将感觉愉快某人也许说,“但是我不感到愉快”然后我会说,“请微笑,您,当您愉快地是愉快或戏剧与您的朋友您真正地再将是愉快的”微笑可能让您有更多朋友如此我说,微笑是象花它将给您幸福1 英语作文100字左右及翻译 1TheNewspaper Nowadayst。

以下是三篇以The house of the future为题的英语作文,供大家参考 第一篇英语作文 写作思路 这篇文章将探讨未来的房子会是什么样子我们可以预见到,未来的房子将更加智能化环保舒适和安全 正文 The House of the Future In the future, houses will be more intelligent, environmentally friendly。

英语作文有1People always confuse about the meaning of happiness, they donrsquot know how to define it 人们总是对幸福的意义感到困惑,他们不知道如何去定义2Once I read the story that the little eagles needed to practice flying in the cliff before they could fly曾经我。

5 历史人物的英语作文100字左右 qu yuan qu yuan,born in the xiling ge area of what is today western hubei province,was a minister in the government of the state of chu,descended from nobility and a champion of political loyalty and truth eager to maintain the chu state#39s powerqu yu。

3篇初中英语作文100字左右篇1 When I was a child, always admire the junior high school of big brother big sister, because their knowledge more than me, but now? Don#39t envy, but think on junior middle school very tired ah! Every day is more than a dozen class, sometimes。

二 要一篇英语作文100字左右 一则故事的 I teach the parrot how to learn English我教鹦鹉学英语 The time in New Year#39s Day, father bought a tiger skin parrot of shallow blue to send to me and I liked it very much Every time go home and I say hello toward itquotHowareyou?The。

1 英文作文我的收获100字,加翻译 When I was young, I believe in fate Think oneself all by fate, so crazy on the Inter, books constellation, measure destiny I remember a time, in the 5grade At that time, his reading is very serious Examination that day, bought a silver shell of。

叙事的英语作文范文100字 范文一Yesterday afternoon I went to the Yuexiu Park It happened that I saw a touching event At that time, some people were boating on the lake Among them was perhaps a happy family They were taking photos when suddenly the girl fell off the。



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