
介绍公寓的英语作文( 介绍公寓的英语作文)

jdl008 小学作文 2024-07-18 1浏览 0

In the past,we lived in a small house and there#39s only a room in the houseThere was only a radio in my houseAnd we often went somewhere by bikeHow poor we are!However,great changes have taken place in my house nowWe live in a large apartmentThere are 3 bedrooms。


My dream house is a villa which lies on the coast There are two yards in the villa The front yard is a garden with many beautiful flowers an plants for the four seasonsThere is a swimming pool in the back yard, as my family are fond of swimming On the first floor。

英语作文 假如你是公寓管理员geffrey请根据下列内容给公寓住户smith先生写一封信 1已 到来信,回复他借用公寓公用房间,出售旧物的请求2不同意smith先生的请求,理由是公寓规则规定,公用房间不能用于出售物品的活动3介意smith先生使用露天停车场,但需要提前一周告诉我,并将计划告诉其他住户Dear Smi。

and finally have a true love一幢并不奢华的公寓,两间普普通通的套房,却住着7个不同背景,不同身份,不同梦想的青年男女无一例外,他们都是有故事的人,就在这栋爱情公寓里,每天都发生这看似平常却又乐趣十足的故事时而搞笑时而离奇时而浪漫时而感动他们在一起,用嬉笑怒骂传达新。



My dream house is a villa which lies on the coastThere are two yards in the villaThe front yard is a garden with many beautiful flowers an plants for the four seasonsThere is a swimming pool in the back yard,as my family are fond of swimmingOn the first floor,there。

Each people all have own dream, I also have their own ideal This ideal, like a destination, waiting for you to This ideal, is such a rush, waiting for you to climb Want to some years, ideal to achieve! Our mood what kind of?I lay in bed, thinking of his own。



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