

jdl008 初中作文 2024-07-21 1浏览 0

but ,however,yet,although,on the contrary,while ,and, then, first second,or,not onlybut also,bothand,neithernor常见的表示语义引申的并列连词有1and Justice is on your side And justice will triumph over injustice 正义在你们一边,而正义是会战胜非正义;一英语作文连接词 连接在英语作文中起到连接上下文的作用,因此也叫“胶水词”就像英语的骨架一样重要,学会连接词,同时拥有词组的累积,你就可以轻松灵活的造出任何需要的长句,让你的英文交流如鱼得水二常用连接词及举例应用 在以前 Only two days remained before the examination考前只。

1表示增加的过渡词also,and,and then,too,in addition,furthermore,moreover again,on top of thatthis,another,firstsecondthird或者firstly, secondly, thirdly or last but not the least等例如It#39s a pretty cat, also friendly 这是只漂亮的猫,而且很友好;英语作文连接词 请按顺序,例如1First2×××3×××4×××5××× 请按顺序,例如1First 2××× 3××× 4××× 5××× 展开 2个回答 #热议# 孩子之间打架 父母要不要干预?异鸣4616 20140523 · 超过56。

可以不用“第一,第二,第三”这种表达方式,使用逻辑连词效果更好,比如首先然后其次最后这样的逻辑,这样在写作里得分也高1originally, primarily, initially2and, further,moreover, besides, furthermore, additionally3finally,eventually, ultimately;一~ the + ~ est + 名词 + that + 主词 + have ever + seen knownheardhadread, etc~ the most + 形容词 + 名词 + that + 主词 + have ever + seen knownheardhadread, etc例句Helen is the most beautiful girl that I have ever seen海伦是我。


1 英语作文连接词有哪些 原发布者水瓶crystal5 英语中常用的连接词1表示罗列增加First,second,third,First,thennext,afterthatnext,finallyForohingforanother,Ontheonehandontheotherhand,Besideswhat#39 *** oreinadditionfurthermoremoreoveranotheralso,EspeciallyInparticular。


1表层次first,firstly, to begin with, further, in the first place second,secondly, to start with, still, furthermore third,thirdly, what is more, last, last but not least also, and then, next 2表转折although though yet at the same time but even so instead。

1首先 in the first placefirst of allabove allfor one thing2其次 the nextsecondlyin the next place3再次 once againnewlyfor the second time4最后 ultimatefinallyin the end英语作文写作技巧与方法 一明确作文要求,提高写作能力 一篇好的作文,要有一。

例To begin with, smoking should be banned in public areas首先,在公共场合应该禁烟2文章及段落结尾常用的过渡词语 thus因此例Thus, taking morning exercises regularly may reduce the chances of getting sick因此,定期进行晨练可以减少生病的概率相关内容英语考试作文试题的一。

逻辑连接词是实现语篇连贯的一种主要方式,反映语篇前后的语义关系下面,是我为你整理的初中英语作文连接词,希望对你有帮助!初中英语作文连接词篇1 1表文章结构顺序 First of all, FirstlyFirst, SecondlySecondhellipnext hellipAnd then, FinallyIn the end At last 2表并列补充关系的。



连接词的主要作用是将不同句子段落主题以及相关 联系在一起,使文章或作文更加整体化,连贯和具有逻辑性连接词可以把各个句子段落和主题之间的关系提炼和明晰化,有助于段与段之间句与句之间的联接,使文章更加具有逻辑性和连贯性连接词在语言交流中起到连接和衔接复杂逻辑关系的作用。


1、1表示“尤有进者”的意思Again, also, then, besides, further, furthermore, moreover, next, in addition等 2表示“反意见”But, however, still, yet, after all, for all that, in spite of, on the contrary, on the other hand等 3表示“困果关系”Therefore, so, hence。

2、still, Indeed, apparently, oddly enough, of course, after all, significantly, interestingly, also, above all, surely, certainly, undoubtedly, in any case, anyway, above all, in fact, especially Obviously, clearly表示比较的连接词 like, similarly, likewise, in the same way, in t。


4、一 连接词 1表选择关系或对等关系的连接词eitheror,neithernor, or, as well as, and, bothand2表因果关系或对等关系的连接词therefore, so, as a result, as the result of ,because of, due to ,owing to, thanks to等3表时间顺序的连接词the。



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