
花木兰的英语作文( 花木兰的英语作文加翻译)

jdl008 初中作文 2024-07-24 6浏览 0

Mulan was the first of three features produced primarily at the Disney animation studio at DisneyMGM Studios in Orlando, FloridaIt was directed by Tony Bancroft and Barry Cook, with story and screenplay by Robert D San Souci,Rita Hsiao, Philip LaZebnik, Chris Sanders, Eugenia;he turned on the switch, and a stream of water flowed out of a seam onto the cabinet floor and then onto the kitchen carpet Ed had a problem, but he didn’t have time o fix it now He hadto run some errands He put some tape over the switch so he couldn’t accide。

In ancient China, some individuality is frank, the personality good good girl, the name is called quotHua Mu Lanquot, the body for flower#39s big daughter, Hua Mu Lan enlightened teaches under the regret in the parents, anticipated continuously very much oneself can spend bring the glory;Opening the cabinet door under the sink, he saw no dripping water He went to the closet and got a flashlight When he shined the light into the cabinet under the sink, he saw drops of water on the sides of the dark blue steel cylinder It looked like he had a leaky。

Hua Mulan is a heroine who joined the army for her father, according to what is described in a famous Chinese ancient poetry The Ballad of Mulan花木兰是中国有名古诗木兰辞中描绘的一位替父从军的英雄Mulan#39s father is too old to bear suffering from the bitterness, and she;花木兰倚靠在织布机旁发呆,心事重重昨天深夜一纸军队的文告打破了家中的宁静军书连下十二道,每一道都在催促父亲重新披挂出征花木兰的眼泪一下子涌了出来,父亲老了,木兰又无哥哥,弟弟处幼尚未成人,保家卫国责无旁贷她下定决心自己替父从军第二清早,花木兰就出门到街头上,买骏马买。

Mulan is a 1998 American animated film produced by Walt Disney Feature Animation,and released by Walt Disney Pictures on June 19, 1998The thirtysixth animated feature in the Walt Disney Animated Classics,and a part of the Disney Renaissance, the film is based on the Chinese。


1、Once upon a time, therewas a girl called Hua Mulan Since Mulan has no brothers, she has no choice but to join the army instead of her father。

2、Who would not like to be like a Michael Jordan or Tiger Woods?To a certain extent,buying products to emulate the persons shown in the advertisements can make a person feel better about him or herselfBut this type of advertisement can be a doubleedged sword when the product。




5、I am very glad to do his mother still retains such a childlike innocence The play is the story of 7 string together, each one opening story, and I have next to the children as excited speculation that the story of the princess who is the protagonist Princess Jasmine want to。

6、Introduce Mulan hua 介绍花木兰 据说花木兰是北魏人,北方人喜欢练武花木兰的父亲以前是一位军人,从小就把木兰当男孩来培养木兰十来岁时,他就常带木兰到村外小河边练武,骑马射箭舞刀使棒空余时间,木兰还喜欢看父亲的旧兵书北魏经过孝文帝的改革,社会经济得到了发展,人民生活较为。

7、National hero Hua Mulan is an well know female hero in the histery in China In the Song dynasty, there were many wars between Song arms and Jin arms At that time, there was a policy in the Song Dynasty that every family had to elect a man to be a member of the army。



brings on a road for the Lily magnolia many laughs heartily with the assistance After joins the army, Hua Mu Lan is depending on the will and the patience which own persisted, passed many difficult trainings and the test, also becomes in the armed force the indispensable senior。

花木兰英文影评 the feeling after reading Mulan This morning,I sat on the chair near the window and listened to the birds ,reading this bookMulan I have heard hundreds of timesI can say, she was with me throughout my childhood But every time I pick up this book 。


您好Opening the cabinet door under the sink, he saw no dripping water He went to the closet and got a flashlight When he shined the light into the cabinet under the sink, he saw drops of water on the sides of the dark blue steel cylinder It looked like he had a。



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