

jdl008 小学作文 2024-07-25 6浏览 0

My Good Friend 我有一个好朋友,她叫李华我们在学校里认识的,当时她帮助我度过了很多困难自那时以来,我们成为了最好的朋友李华是一个非常聪明和勤奋的人她总是能够很好地完成自己的学业,而且她也是学校排球队的一员不仅如此,她还是一个很好的听众,每当我需要倾诉时,她总是会耐心地;A Letter of Thanks Rosedale,California June 15,2012 Dear MrsMoore,You may be sure that I shall always continue to enjoy the week which I have just spent in your home with LouiseYou did everything possible to make us happyThe parties,the picnics,and the lunches were all so。

人这一生,认识的人有很多很多,在学校里的老师同学,在社会上你会认识更多更多,在这些人中你一定有你最好的朋友 ,下面是我为大家精心整理的 我最好的朋友英语作文,希望能够帮助到你们我最好的朋友 I have many friends, but Jim is one of my best friends He is not handsome, but;我有很多朋友,莉莉就是一个她是我最好的朋友之一她和我住在同一个小区三年前我们就成为了朋友每到上学的日子,我们就一起上学我们有很多共同的爱好,比如,我们俩都喜欢听音乐,看书,打羽毛球我们俩学习都很努力,而且成绩很好在学习上我们互相帮助,因为我们想共同进步我很高兴有。


当您是沮丧的时候因此我有许多朋友但是Tom是我的最好的朋友他和我年龄一样他比我高篮球是他喜爱的体育我们是在同班他善于学习因此他的成绩是非常好我们从彼此学习并且互相帮助如果我有麻烦,他将帮助我如果他有,我也会帮助他 我希望我们的友谊永远持续下去。

If you come, you will have a great time Yours,GLily。


time accepting help from others ,we have to learn to help othersSince I am sensible since,I have come across many people who love to help others,they are the kind of selfless dedication to the happiness of others to give up their wellbeing of the spirit moved me deeply。

翻译我和我的朋友喜欢一起写作业,我们俩学习都还不错,可以互相帮助对方进步,有时候我不会的题目我会问他老师也认为我们这种朋友是正能量朋友英语翻译技巧第一省略翻译法 这与最开始提到的增译法相反,就是要求你把不符合汉语,或者英语的表达的方式思维的习惯或者语言的习惯的部分删去。


正文From the moment everyone comes to this world, he is no longer receiving all kinds of help and gifts the upbringing of his parents, the teachings of his teachers, the love of his friends, the help of strangers, and the generosity of nature每个人从来到这个世界的那一刻起。

with English,and I have got good grades I#39m very grateful to him我的朋友叫李杰,他是个热情大方的帅哥,他身材高大热爱打篮球,是学校篮球队的队长,但是他更爱学英语,他英语口语说得特别好,他乐于助人在他的迎夏和帮助下我也爱上了英语,并且去得了不错的成绩谢谢你我的朋友李杰。

篇一感谢朋友 I have a good friendshe is very friendly to me, I am very grateful to her every time I am sad, she is always around me and comforts me, I like to tell her my sadness and she would listen to me carefully When I was ill, she would stay with me。


friend,I want to thank you,in the cold The winter has to accompany you,I am warm,I want to say,friends,really thank you我的朋友,在我最无助的时候,你教会了我要相信友谊,在我最孤独的时候你让我明白我不是一个人,我的朋友,我要感谢你,在冷冷的冬天里有着你的陪伴,让我感到温暖。

I have a friend named HeLing Her medium height, shapely, oval face, small eyes but great temperament She is interested in singing and dancing She has participated in the city#39s singing competition, won the first prize She loves sports, like hiking fitness She was a helpful。


First, I don#39t like a person who likes to run down others, so this kind of person will never be my friend Second, I think my friend shuold be an excellent person, and shehe is always ready to help others Most importantly, a real friend should be sincere to me, and。




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