

jdl008 小学作文 2024-07-26 10浏览 0

1、写作思路根据题目要求,可以以生活中某个相关事情作为主题,最后总结自己的感受My mother is 35 years old But I can still see how beautiful she was when she was young我母亲是35岁但我仍然可以看到她年轻时是多么美丽She is not very tall but very thin Her eyes are black It。

2、篇1 Going to sleep in my double cease day, of course!Sleeping is the most relaxing time! Today, I will take you to my house to see our a position!Grandma always *** iling while you are sleeping, her mouth slightly raised, like a boat Grandma roll up your body to sleep;我们先去看了鸟然后看了猴子还去看了老虎和狮子这次暑假真愉快想要写好一篇50字带翻译的英语作文是真的很不容易,不但要求有扎实的英语基础,还要有英语表达能力,建议你跟着外教学英语作文,跟着外教可以大胆讲英语,轻松开口,与外教老师一对一对话交流,这样的英语学习效果好;My mother is a English teacher,she always help me with my English homeworkI#39m very grateful to her for it 我妈妈是一个英语老师,她总是教我写英语作业我很感谢她 For me,I am the students of grade 5 至于我,我是一个5年级的学生 This is just my happy family 这是;I have a happy family, each member of the concern and I am very lucky我有一个快乐的家庭我的爸爸很有责任心,他很爱我们的家人,孝顺长辈,爱护晚辈,我很尊敬他爸爸工作认真负责,同事们也很喜欢他妈妈是温柔善良的人,关心家人,关心家庭她厨艺精湛,喜欢烹饪,我很爱吃她做的食物;如下This semester, our class has a new English teacher, a young and beautiful female teacher We had a good first impression of her这个学期,我们班换了新的英语老师,是一位年轻美丽的女老师我们对她的第一印象很好However, after a few classes, the situation changed但是,几节;一My father likes reading in his spare time He told me reading was very interesting I become interested in reading I like books, because they help me in many ways This is my father I am proud of having such a good father我父亲在业余时间喜欢阅读他告诉我阅读非常有。

3、大家不妨写一篇我的生日聚会英语作文和大家分享一下吧以下是我为大家整理的带翻译的生日聚会英语作文,欢迎大家阅读 生日聚会英语作文篇一 Today is my nineyearold birthday I am very happy because my father buys a big cake for me and my sister just comes to Guangzhou After dinner my family;以quotMy Birthday Partyquot为题的英语作文可以从以下几个方面写 介绍你的生日是什么时候,以及你选择在哪里庆祝生日 描述你邀请了哪些人参加生日聚会,以及你们一起做了什么活动 分享你收到的礼物和祝福,以及这些礼物和祝福对你的意义 讲述你在生日聚会上的感受和体验,以及你和朋友之间的互动和交流 总结这个生日;你是不是对英语非常苦手,遇到英语作文就无处从下手非常头疼,没有写作思路呢?下面我就分享三篇以My Day为题的英语作文吧, 翻译也给出来了哦,希望能打开你的思路,让你下笔如有神! 写作思路先介绍自己的名字,再按照时间顺序写自己一天做了什么,比如说七点起床吃饭,八点做作业等等最后加一个结尾就可以了,分享;1小学五年级英语作文及翻译 My grandparents have a dog, they have raised him for two years It has yellow fur, so I call him little Yellow Little Yellow recognizes me, because when I come to visit my grandparents, he won’t shout at me, he will lie down and swing his t。


4、英语作文我的暑假篇1 Although the summer passed, but my mind also emerged in the summer vacation dumplings scene In a sunny noon, I went to the little aunt home to do class One to her door, the little aunt came to see me, and smiled and said to me quotWe have not dumplings for;第一篇Yesterday was a special dayI usually go to schoolBut yesterday,I didn#39t goThere was no class There were lots of snowI stayed at homeI watched TV I did my homeworkI helped my momWe didn#39t go to park and didn#39t go to supermarketWe played with sno;with my friendsDuring holidays I can go to learn how to play the piano from the teacherI can go traveling with my mother to other cities and visit my grandparents翻译我最喜欢的月份是八月,我喜欢这个月,因为我们在暑假,我可以和父母一起去游泳我可以和朋友一起打篮球。

5、Although he can be a little naughty sometimes and makes a mess in the house, I still love him very much He is my little brother and I will always be there for him我的弟弟 我的弟弟五岁了他是一个非常活跃和充满活力的孩子他喜欢跑,跳,玩各种游戏他也非常好奇,喜欢探索;篇一我的暑假英语作文五年级带翻译 Summer vacation, this is a the students expect longlost happy time, simply can and play, no more unpleasant sound alarm clock in the morning But we looked at those high expectations, a lesspressured treasure mom, has arranged everything;今天是星期天,天气晴朗我们和来自Canada的英语老师Alice来到人民公园瞧,Tom和五个男同学在踢球Cina和一些女同学在放风筝我和Alice正在公园附近拍照Alice和我们都非常高兴Alice在英语方面帮助了我们很多2假打算 I will have a busy summer vacation I am going to do my homework;的英语作文带翻译 介绍的英语作文 This is my family Thereare four people in my family My , my father, my mother and me My has short white hair Shelooks very nice My has short black hair and *** all eyes He very fat, so I often call him “fat man”。




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