

jdl008 小学作文 2024-06-29 8浏览 0

3, add 3 tablespoons of oil released fry, Add the eggs pot stand out炒熟Sheng4 Heat the remaining oil, stir fried chip under the tomatoes, salt, sugar speculation moment, stir eggs into a few出锅accompli此菜frying, it is necessary to旺火crash Although this dish is the。

西红柿炒鸡蛋是以西红柿,鸡蛋为主料制作的家常菜味道酸甜可口,特别下饭Scrambled eggs with tomatoes is a home dish made of tomatoes and eggs It tastes sweet and sour and delicious, especially with rice西红柿番茄炒鸡蛋做法 食材原料 鸡蛋三个 番茄2个 制作方法 做法一 准备食材。


Scrambled eggs with tomatoes is so delicious!西红柿炒鸡蛋真是太好吃了。

first of all, prepare four tomatos and three eggs, pour oil into the pan while stirring the eggs until they are mixed up, when oil heats up and put the egg liquid into the panwhen eggs are finished, put it into the bowl,then add some oil into the pan and put tomatos。


西红柿炒蛋,富含多种营养,女士保持好身材的一道菜 西红柿是人见人爱的食物之一,长相可爱,味美多汁,不仅能美容,其所含营养还能保护心脏,好处多多,实在是不可错过鸡蛋营养丰富易于保存不用清洗,而且味道鲜美 推荐与食用生西红柿相比,人们食用加工后的西红柿,更能提高血中番茄红素等抗。

1First of all , you need to prepare two tomatoes and two eggs,These are the main ingredient of this dish 译文首先,你需要准备两个西红柿和两个鸡蛋,它们是这道菜的主料2And then, remove the stalk from the tomatoes, cut them into pieces 译文然后,去掉西红柿的蒂,并。



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