

jdl008 初中作文 2024-07-02 9浏览 0

四川的大地震,导致数以万计的人民围困在废墟中 他们和这位小女孩一样,在瓦砾堆之中无法自救,如果官兵不及时抢救他们,这些人民的生命将岌岌可危,受到死神的压迫 这时,只听一阵大喊“这里有人!”一群官 512汶川大地震英语作文 Dear Estrella u knowthere was a big earth quake in Sichuan Chi;他们的生活已经恢复正常他们积极的生活态度在场的人给人留下了深刻的印象今天,人们都被各种各样的活动纪念死去的人在汶川地震花可以出现在earthquakeruins 还可以看到横幅挂在那里一个完全新的汶川正在上升Wish Wenchuan a promising future祝愿汶川一个光明的未来。

汶川地震英语作文80词左右 Wenchuan earthquake since the founding of People#39s Republic of China since the greatest impact of an earthquake, magnitude since August 15, 1950 Medog Tibet earthquake 85 and in 2001 Alexander Kunlun earthquake 81 the third largest after the earthquake, a direct;Strong earthquake damage so large, to show once again brought out In the vicinity of the epicenter, and in some cities and villages, many houses collapsed and damaged roads, telecommunications disruption, many schools and hospitals have become ruins Human vibrant homes, Zhuanshun。


On May12th,2008,a terrible earthquake took place in SichuanMost houses fell downThousands of people were killed or injured and the whole cities were destroyedVery soon,police ,doctors and volunteers went there to save and help people in troubleAll of Chinese people and many;A day after parents staged an impromptu rally in Mianzhu on Saturday, the Communist Party’s top local official, Jiang Guohua, came to plead with the protesters to not carry out their plan to march to Chengdu, the provincial capital, where they sought to prevail on higherlevel。

With the help of the such a large love ,we will over come the damage of the earthquake and face our beautiful future 5月12日是一个普通的一天在2008年,在这一天令人震惊的地震发生在中国四川这次地震摧毁了一切近在汶川县四川省这是糟糕的我们不能用任何词语去描述我们所看到的场景;a direct and serious disasterstricken areas of 100 thousand square kilometers 汶川地震 在这次四川的地震许多人民受伤并且死亡可能再也看不到家人,离开这个世界我们不可能去那里帮忙,所以只能默默地祈祷我们比他们幸运,但是我们都是中国人我希望我可以尽量帮着做一些事情,例如,向他们捐钱。

May 12th is an ordinary day in 2008,itis in this day that shocking earthquake happened in Sichuan province,ChinaThe earthquake destroyed nearly everything in Wenchan county Sichuan province It was terribleWe can#39t describle the scene what we saw with any wordsthousands of people。



2、 512四川汶川地震的英语作文 1May 12th is an ordinary day in 2008,itis in this day that shocking earthquake happened in Sichuan province,ChinaThe earthquake destroyed nearly everything in Wenchan county Sichuan province It was terribleWe can#39t describle the scene what we saw with any wo。

3、汶川大地震,给灾区的民众造成了巨大的身心痛苦,也使得地图上那样一个狭小的区域,成为全国人民最为牵挂的地方所谓人命关天,在部分同胞受难之时,举国的悲恸充分表现了出来国际社会也迅速表达了关切与慰问No Valentine#39s love of natural disasters In a battle to save the lives of all。

4、5·12汶川地震8级,发生于2008年5月12日14点左右重灾区有10个县市, 较重灾区有41个县市, 一般灾区有186个县市 这是新中国成立以来破坏力最大的地震,涉及到200公里以内的大中城市有一头猪在36天后获救它靠吃木炭生存,被称之为坚强的猪有一首歌赞美它, 叫。


1、写作思路汶川地震是中国历史上最严重的一次自然灾害之一以下是三篇简短的 汶川地震的英语作文1 Remembering the Wenchuan Earthquake2008年5月12日,中国四川汶川发生了一场大地震,夺走了数千人的生命这个灾难不仅给人们带来深刻的痛苦,也让人们意识到了自然灾害的无情和脆弱性让我们铭记这。


2、Their city is distroied, but now, I am standing here, give you all the speech, this is such a easy work if compare to those who already died, I feel that I really is the lucky one, there is no earthquake here, I don#39t need to suffer in the dark, all my friend and。

3、In fact, we have always cry from the earthquake that moment, we have always cry from the first to see the bodies of dead children the moment In fact, we all cry together, to see tens of thousands of PLA personal danger and rushed to the disaster areas moment, but we have。



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