

jdl008 初中作文 2024-07-02 9浏览 0

1、问题一正确对待考试的英语作文 Different people have different opinons towards current examsThere are two views conerning examsSome people supporting it insist that exams are of great help for contemporary society to test our studentsBesides,still some against the view believe that the exam is n。

2、Today I finished my PE test As a boy I had two parts One is the long jump, and the other is the 1000m race I did better in the 1000m race It took me 5 minutes and 20 seconds But I didn’t do well in the long jump I only jumped 45 meters I love。

3、In my opinion, it is wrong to cheat in examinations because it break the rules of schools We students should be honest and try to get good results by studying hard instead of cheating in examinations What#39s more, we should improve our study methods and get well prepared for。

4、Exams seem to become part of our life, from element ary schools to universities, even to work units It#39s hard to imagine that a student can succeed without undergoing any exam As a relatively equal measureto select excellent people in a certain field, exams are regarded as。

5、so a buffer among us, so that more clearheaded examination will be able to play well Parents will have to continue to give comfort to the children and not ratio of students still tense, the task of parents is to create a comfortable environment for a child more confidence。

6、英语作文高一叙述大家对考试的看法1考试重要可以通过考试了解自己的学习效果,把成绩作为努力的动力2考试并不能说明一切考试的不利一面3你对考试的看法120词参考词汇reformext 英语作文 高一叙述大家对考试的看法1考试重要可以通过考试了解自己的学习效果,把成绩作为努力的动力2考试并不能说明一切考试的不。

7、students may not consciously learning Nurturance dependent psychology, love learning On examination, advantages and disadvantages We should learn to adapt to test The advantages of the examination for conversion译大学都用考试来衡量学生成绩可是我觉得这样做不好这样可能会让学生变得很。

8、the test will be proudIt is also a question worth considering 考试,是大多数学生烦恼的事情其实,它有好处,也有坏处好处是能让我们的词汇量知识更加广阔坏处是分数低了会让学生丧失信心,或者是会让学生感到烦躁而不想学考得低会灰心,考得高会骄傲这也是一个值得思考的问题。

9、First, since PE is part of the entrance exam, we will be couraged to take part in practice and exercise Because we are busy with hard working in other exams, it is important for us to keep fit So we have to take some exerciseSecond, taking exercise is good for us to。

10、When it comes to the college entrance examination, people usually have a saying, quot after all is fair quot I think not, and said, this is truly a doublespeak College entrance examination has never justice justice and happiness, never absoluteFrom an examination of the identified。

11、Test a week, do not overexcited, and calm as possible2 At this point do not deliberately change and learning habits, so as not to deepen the quotcrucial testquot mentality implied, thereby increasing the pressure 3 Appropriate bed early, but do too much in advance to avoid。


12、My class had a discussion about whether we should have an English oral testSome students think we should not have it,for it is not importantSome think we should,because it is as important as written。

13、As is known to us all, Joint College Entrance Exam is becoming more and more popular nowadaysThe advantages are obvious to see Firstly, it lightens the burden on students so that they have no needs to take part in the exams organized by each college for many timees。

14、As students , we often have a lot of tests Some students think the tests are very terrible and very hard If they don#39t have good grade , theri parents will not happy ,so before the test ,they will very nervous But。

15、I have heard a beautiful poetry, written by a novelist, Amy Cheung With a little adjustment, it can vividly depict the alienation among people in reality quotThe further distance in the world is not between life and death But when I stand in front of you, your eyes turn。

16、In most colleges and universities the examination is used as a chief means of deciding whether a student succeeds or fails in mastering a particular subject Although it does the job quite efficiently, its side effects are also enormousTo begin with, examinations lower the standards。

17、The teachers and students in our school are very pleased to know The teachers and students in our school are very pleased to know the news that from the year 2017 on, all the senior high school students can take NMET twice a year The students are particularly excited about the。


18、my doing is for exam, not for my own learning and development In the long run, it is a bad thing, because we lose to think by our ownAll in all, I do not agree with the school having many exams to make the students better at study嘿嘿 希望对你有用 要给分哦。



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