

jdl008 小学作文 2024-07-06 8浏览 0

世界上有各种各样的职业每个人都有心中规划的最想做的职业所以每个人都会坚定信念为了那个理想而努力我也是这样我的理想职业其实说特别不特别我想当一位心理学家要问为什么,因为如今的一篇篇报道新闻告诉我这个职业很重要Now the students especially middle school students of teenagers have;作文一原文As is known to all, health is most important to all of us In order to make a healthy life, I want to be a doctor in the futureThere are two reasons for me to be a doctor On the one hand, there are all kinds of diseases around us, which bring u。



1、I wish my country to be a better one 我祝福我的祖国的明天会更好I am ready to be a teacher and hope all the persons with lofty ideals may dedicate themselves to this meaningful career我准备在为一名教师,我也希望大家带着崇高理想献身于这有意义的工作。

2、My ideal job I have been dreamed to be a teacher since I was a kid Everyday when I arrived at school, my lovely teacher would give me a warm hug with a big shining *** ile It made me felt like a flower which had been taken good care by the gardener and I felt。

3、Since the childhood, my ideal has been changed scientists, the police, the driver But it only in quotreporterquot two words make on for several years If I become a reporter, I will do everything in my power to the latest news for the audience Maybe I can#39t become a f。

4、 理想职业的作文,可以先写自己想做的职业,然后说明想做这个职业的原因正文 here are various kinds of jobs in the world, such as writing, nursing, teaching and engineering But different people choose different jobs as their ideal careers This is because everyone has his own。

5、which will be the best choice of my life从小我就向往着当一名老师,一个人要实现自己的梦想,就要选择自己喜爱的工作的职业和岗位,教师这个职业,就是我最喜爱的工作,当一名光荣的人民教师就是我一生中最大的梦想选择教师这个职业,即实现了我的人生梦想又为祖国的教育事业献出了自己的力量。




理想职业英语作文篇1 Recently we did a survey in our class in order to learn about students’ ideal jobs Here’s a report about my group members’ ideas Mary wants to be a fashion designer because she likes beautiful clothes and is good at drawing Kate wants to be a g。

我相信,通过努力,我的理想就会实现的 英语作文你将来想做什么职业 A piano player我的理想 What do I want to do when I#39m older? Someone wants to be a doctor Someone wants to be a basketball player because they are good at sport Someone wants to be a writer and to make the writi。

未来我是漫画家 Future I am cartoonist 在每个人的心中,都有一个属于自己的理想这些理想就像天空中的繁星,既看不完,也数不尽我的理想到底是什么呢?告诉你们吧,我的理想是当一名漫画家In everyone#39s heart,there is a vision of their ownThese ideals are like the stars in the sky,could。

我们都知道,这个世界上有许多不同的工作,但是做什么工作才是你最喜欢的呢人与人之间兴趣不同,个性各异,所以大家对工作的选择也是不一样的例如,许多人把一个理想的工作当做是赚更多的钱和活得更舒服的手段这也许听起来很合理,因为金钱是生活的基础As far as my ideal job is concerned。

以下是作文中使用的一些重要英语词汇的详细中文和发音解释Veterinarian v#603t#601r#618#712n#603#601ri#601n 兽医,专门从事为动物提供医疗保健和治疗的医疗专业人士他们接受过诊断和治疗疾病进行手术以及提供预防性护理的培训Captivated #712k#230pt#618#。

我的理想职业英语作文 篇1 remember to write your composition neatlymy ideal job there are various kinds of jobs in the world, such as writing, nursing, teaching and engineering but different people choose different jobs as their ideal careers this is because everyone has his own。

so that others can understand the truth contained in it而我的理想,是成为一名人民教师教师,是一个多么神圣的职业有的人曾经赞美过教师们,说他们像园丁,像蜡烛,像春蚕,像明灯当然,我并不是想为了得到他人的赞美而成为一名教师,而是因为我想把我所得的知识传授给别人,使别人懂得蕴。



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