

jdl008 小学作文 2024-07-18 3浏览 0

Dear 朋友名,I hope this email finds you well I wanted to share with you about my recent travel experience and the wonderful memories I madeLast week, I took a trip to 旅游目的地 The moment I arrived, I was awestruck by the beauty of the place The vibrant and;Dear Mike I am so glad to hear from you In your letter, you asked me how do Chinese people celebrate the Spring Festival Well, we have an official week off for this festival During the Spring Festival, all the family members will get together and stay at home to。

篇一Dear Tom, I#39m delighted to chat with you about my plans and arrangements in the summer holidayFirst, I need to finish my homework assigned by teachers, which is the most important point in my view And I will choose to read my favorite novels as many as possible;现在,我在香港我想给你我的电子邮件香港没有上海那么大,但它是一个现代化和美丽的地方街上很热闹我还可以看到许多高楼它们在晚上总是很亮我最喜欢迪斯尼乐园我在那里可以看到很多卡通人物,像唐老鸭米老鼠白雪公主等等我想在迪斯尼乐园呆更长时间,但飞机不会等我们我得跟我的。

3 写英语作文EMAIL形式写给朋友的 Dear XXX,How are you? It has been a long time since we last wrote to each otherHow are you doing in school? Were there any interesting events?I have been trying very hard to learn English, but it has not improved much I heard that。


现代电子邮件英语作文 Email is Electronic MailEmail or electronic mail means to send or receive messages electronicallyEmail was invented by Ray Tomlinson,a computer engineer in late 1971The first message was sent between the two computers that were sitting beside each otherEmail,in。


4 英语作文email怎么写 Dear PhillI#39m sorry to disturb you to reading my emailHere ,I#39d like to say something about our trip to on ChristmasAt first ,we hope you can dispatch a car in order to send us Second,we need a guide who is good at English and。

英语作文电子邮件范文1 Dear David,I’m glad you’ll come to Beijing to learn Chinese Chinese is very useful, and many foreigners are learning it now It’s difficult for you because it’s quite different from English You have to remember as many Chinese words as possible It。


1、1winter vacation plan How time flies时间过得真快,unconsciously不知不觉地 the next winter vacation 寒假will soon eIn order to improve提高 myself as well as enjoy a happy holiday,I made the winter vacation planFirstly i want to continue with my study,i think。


2、Dear Linda,l#39m glad to hear that you will come to my country for vacation Different countries have different customs and table manners ln China ,lt#39s important to have meals on time You are supposed to make a smile and shake hands when you meet someoneRemember not to。

3、范文Dear Sally,亲爱的萨利,I#39m sorry to hear that you get a coldThe winter is coming,so it#39s necessary for you to wear clothes and drink enough waterDon#39t forget to do exercise听说你感冒了,我很难过冬天来了,所以你有必要穿衣服和喝足够的水别忘了做运动I hope y。


4、Hello, mikeI heard that you will come to my hometown, laiwu I am very happy and specially write an email to tell you something about my hometownThe weather is very good recently There was some heavy rain just a few days ago It#39s cool nowThe scenery is beautiful and。

5、我认为email是利大于弊的,理由如下Through keyboard input, you can write quickly, edit and save1通过键盘输入,可以快速书写,也可以编辑和储存Achieve paperless, save paper and achieve the purpose of environmental protection2实现无纸化,节约纸张,达到环保的目的Click the mouse。

6、to enjoy oursevlvesI #39m so exicited about this new life that I can even stop here, but as for now, I#39m preparing a presentation, so I have to tell you more in the next email Can#39t wait to share with you ! wish you have a good day toosincere Wang Peng。




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