

jdl008 初中作文 2024-07-21 2浏览 0

but life still less sadness is better, so, I think as a doctor, to make everyone happy smile, let each door is a smile, not sad Under the blue sky, I will try, until I dream of the day我的理想 每个人都有自己的理想,有的人想成为老 师,因为他们觉得老师像蜡烛燃烧了;总之,所有不能没有写作,离不开我的理想失败后,经过反复的努力,我的文章一点一爬到峰,每次都好! 窗外,冬天春天,另一个时间开始流动,慢慢走近,一点一点,在我的努力下,另一个诞生优秀的文章,我相信,在不久的将来,我的梦想会成为现实! 3my dream英语作文200字带翻译 The dream blooming flower Everyone has;my medicine can make people better我的愿望是将来当一名药剂师因为我喜欢医学想在这方面多学点以帮助那些病人我知道如果我想成为一名药剂师,我一定需要很多知识所以我应该努力学习在学校学习到更多的知识以备以后用我也需要对人友善能及时地帮助人们摆脱痛苦我真希望我的药能使人好起来;I want to be a great entrepreneur, I believe that I can achieve my ideal An enterpriser should have the wide vision An entrepreneur is more than just a risk taker He is a visionaryMany important businessmen commenced as factory workersNow, I have been for the realization;them tlak with foreigners to practise moreI can be the most popular teacher if i really do it我的理想 我希望可以成为一个英语老师我能教授课程用我自己的方法这样可以让他们少写作业我将要组织活动让孩子们和外国人通过游戏互动提高英语水平如果我做到了,我将是非常受欢迎的英语老师。

I want to be a professional pianist and play the piano for the world I will let the music go around the world I#39d like to be a pianist ,and that is my dream 我的理想 当我还很小的时候,我就有一个梦想那就是将来长大了要当一名钢琴家我从小就特别喜欢音乐,有一天当我看;my ideal job我的理想职业英语作文英语作文篇1 My Ideal Job My ideal job is to become a businessman Although there are quite a lots of job in the world, I think it is the most suitable for me I make this decision for two reasonsFirstly, doing business I can meet diff;每个人都有自己的理想,我的理想是当一名合格的人民教师教师可以培育出许多长大能为国家做贡献的人,叫他们知识,讲一些做人的道理,是他们懂得更多的知识,做一个好学生好孩子,长大后有美好的前途,把许多人都培育成国家有用的人才还要他们从小就应懂得科学技术的重要性,要重视科学,热爱科学;My ideal is to be an inventor I want to invent a robot He can do everything He can help mothers to do housework , he can play with children and sometimes he can help students to solve difficult problems I believe that if I study hard , my ideal will certainly bec;My dream Everyone has a lot of dreams Some people want to be rich, dreaming of becoming millionaires overnight Others want to be famous, dreaming of suddenly jumping to great fame I have a lot of dreams,too When I was a young girl, I dreamed of becoming a scientist。

3我理想的工作英语作文 Different people have different career outlooks Some people want to become civil servants some people hope to start their own business some people dream of being freelancers, and so on不同的人有着不同的职业愿景有些人想要做公务员,有的人想自己创业;My ideal school is very large,我的理想学校是很大规模的, it has three tall buildings ,它有3栋很大的大楼, a big dining hall,一个豪华的餐厅 a tennis court,一个网球场, a big playground and a park 一个大的操场和公园We have an hour for lunch,我们有一个小时的午餐时间。


good moring everyone ,today i will tell you my dream keeped in my heart the ideal is dream , it is power that people move forward to each people have their different ideams i have my own ideam when i was childen i like to look fairy tale ,so every day i looked;我的理想 每个人都有自己的理想,而我的理想是将来做一名数学老师在我的印象中,我的数学老师们都很厉害尤其是现在的数学老师,他带着一副富有知识的眼镜,温柔慈祥的目光,每天都在给同学们解答学习上的疑惑用自己的知识解决学生的问题,把知识传播下去是老师的职责,也是我将来的理想我会以我;当我还是个孩子的时候,我有一个梦想,我想将来成为一名著名的计算机工程师因为我在控制计算机的时候喜欢计算机技术我相信20年后我能实现我的梦想提高作文水平方法1细观察细致观察是提高写作水平的金钥匙只有仔细地观察,才能从生活现象的矿藏中发现碎金璞玉,于泥沙混杂中攫取闪光的宝物不。

comfort themselves There is a very diligent roommate occasionally take on a library card to the library to be on 23 hours Classrooms, canteens, dormitories, a library, a university campus life is my all我理想的大学生活 我理想的大学生活有着丰富多彩的社团活动,各种各样的讲座;Dream is the necessary psychal power in the common life He can get the power for going forward, when he has a dream We also need dream which supports us keeping going except confident and courage Dream just like lighthouse, which gudies the way of sailingI have a dream。

我一生最大的抱负就是成为一名医生能帮助饱受各种疾病困扰的人们让我着迷作为医生,我可以给那些需要帮助的人提供医疗援助和安慰成为的动力来源于我对科学的热爱以及渴望改善人们健康的决心 作文我的理想做老师 Myideal job is to become a teacher, as I truly believe that education has the。




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