

jdl008 初中作文 2024-04-05 50浏览 0

stealing an old man#39s walletI caught him at once翻译昨晚我做了个梦, 在梦里,我变成了个警察,我在街上遇到了一个贼,我看到他在偷一个老人的钱包,我立刻抓住了他请参考 比芯~^^~~~严禁抄袭。


i woke upFeeling funny and scared,i went to the washroom and started my day昨晚,我做了一个非常奇怪的梦我梦见上次的数学竞赛成绩相当的差,差得连我那个没复习的朋友都没有;Last night,I had a wonderful dreamIn the dream,I rode my bike in a country roadOn the both sides of the road,there are many treesAnd these trees all have different fruits,apples,pears,oranges,bananas;dream中昨晚发生了一件有趣的事情晚上,当我睡觉的时候,我梦到自己睡在一只狗的身上这只狗突然跳起来,并且冲着我大叫“我要吃了你,你闻起来太美味了”我吓的快速的逃跑“呤呤呤”我在一阵响亮的声音中醒来;Now I study hard to achieve my dream2 写我梦到我会飞的英语作文 我的身子怎么变轻了往下一看,我离地面越来越远了,再一看,身后竟长出了一双轻快的翅膀,原来我会飞了我飞向天空那云像雪一样白,如。

用英语作文来叙述自己的梦想,你说如何叙述起比较好呢?以下是百分网我给大家带来我的梦英语作文范文,以供参阅 我的梦英语作文篇1 my dream I am an ordinary person,I have an ordinary dreamIs a doctor Because doctor may;因此,我一定要珍惜青春好时光,享受生活,并且尽最大努力把每件事情做好3 做梦题的英语作文 I think everyone will have a busy and interesting weekend Now, let me introduce my busy weekend to you On;My Dream It is said that a life without dream is like a person without soul So everybody has a dream and I have oneScince I was a in a primary school, I have wanted to be a teacher As a。


哦,我在做梦,幸好那仅仅是一个梦 梦想的英语作文 Dreams are a munication of body, mind and spirit in a symbolic municative environmental state of being That#39s it! Now that you are thoroughly confused let me;写作思路可以从自己做梦,梦到的内容来进行写作,要注意句子的完整性,要注意正确的时态作文如下I had a dream where I was standing on a bridge The dream seemed very real I felt cold, and it was a;I woke up2 我梦到什么的英语作文 I Have A Dream Everyone has his dreams,and they differ from people to peopleSome people want to be a scientist, some want to be a boss, and others want to。

英语小作文写 我昨天做的梦不少于15句话 I dreamt an interesting dream some night,it seemed like a amazing tour for me in the fantasy state In my dream I bee a soldier somehow,and I was sent to;昨晚,我做了一个非常奇怪的梦我梦见上次的数学竞赛成绩相当的差,差得连我那个没复习的朋友都没有比过我非常的生气!可是突然,我做 上了一跳火车当我看见火车马上要撞到另一辆火车的尾巴时,我才发现这跳火车长达整个;I had a dream that there was a candy house in front of me I immediately took down the window and ate When I woke up, I found that my mouth still had a sweet smell我做了一个梦,梦见我的正前方;as a student I want to be a teacherI#39ve have this dream for many yearsevery time I see my teachers teach students in the class,I will think about what will happen if I am a teacherI think。

One night,I have a dreamI dreamed that I and my good friend Huang Yuqing had a pair of wings,fly in the blue skyWe touched the sky and white clouds,white clouds than the kid#39s face is softWe;6年级英语作文我的梦想,简单点 Everyone has his own dream Some want to be doctors Others hope to be scientists My dream is to bee a teacher 每个人都有他自己的梦想一些人想成为医生一些人希望成为科学家我的梦想;大多数人夜晚经常做梦,早上醒来便自语“做了个好奇怪的梦!不知道怎么会梦见这个”有时候梦令人毛骨悚然,有时候梦却使愿望成真,还有的时候怪梦会来打扰我们,梦里的世界好像乱七八糟,不知所云In dreams we do things which we。



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