

jdl008 小学作文 2024-04-25 15浏览 0

I went there in the morning in case of missing with her I waited there until seven o’clock in the evening It was tired but worthy There were so many people I tried hard to get a good place;七年级英语作文 篇1 Everybody will have their idols in their heart For me, I am a teenager, of course I will chase the star每个人在心中都会有个偶像对于我来说,我是个青少年,当然会追明星Someday;the public criticizes the girl for her blindness in worshipping star Many students even skip their class, just to see their idols in the airport What’s more, they spend a lot of money to buy the pro;我意识到对过度追星会浪费时间,我需要做自己的事情以上是作文栏目为您带来的追星的英语作文,希望对您有帮助如果你有好的作品,也可以点击下方ldquo我要投稿rdquo把作品发给我们,届时将会让更多的读者欣赏到您。

One po ible version Yang Lijuan has done nothing but admire and follow her idol for more ten years Even her family hel her to achieve her “goal” at all cost Obviously , she has gone too far as;我认为不要没有理智的追星,明星也是普通人 只是职业不同,我们可以喜欢他们,听他们的歌看他们的电影作为工作学习之余的消遣,而不是盲目的追随其实除了看他们美丽的外表,我们更应该看到他们努力勤奋的一面,应该像他们;Stars also have nothing to boast about, but should not be all your life has become 3 Abandon the narrowmindedness What they have the same idol is different, not because of the different icons on the。

追星利弊作为如下包括上述要求Nowadays, starworshiping is popular among teenagers, especially many middle school studentsWhen it comes to the symptoms of worshipping a star, the main factor I’d like to;After years of baptism,we are gradually stepping into growing upFor us when we grow up,we will also have idols we likeI am no exceptionI also have idols we likeWho is behind the silent efforts;写作思路主要从迪丽热巴的优点方面进行展开介绍,具体如下My idol,Dili Reba,Dilraba looks very beautiful She is the socalled incarnation of wisdom and beauty Sister Dilraba can dance very much The;On Idol Worshipping 在偶像崇拜中 Idol worshipping is not a new phenomenon,but the recent cases of unreasonable behaviors conducted by some young people have made it a focus of attention again偶像崇拜不是一。

说说我自己,我从小到大从来没有追星过,我不是一个追星族,从来不相信追星这些个玩意儿Talk about myself, I grew up never Starchaser, I am not a groupie, never believe fans these给青少年的一些建议好好读书。


The person I like I like many people,among those Avril艾薇儿is the one I like mostAvril ,born in Canada on September 27th,1984,is a very famous singerShe has beautiful fair hair and is slim;It is bad to us to go after famous stars追星是有害的 First it is a waste of time,you spend your youth time to collect star#39s pictures so that you have no time to do you homework or study首先;正文No one can pursue stars, but please consider the feelings of your parents, please don#39t make too much publicity I often hear quotMrs Xiaoquot, quotMrs Wangquot, quotMrs Caiquot and so on But what#39s th。




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