
篮球的英语作文( 篮球的英语作文50词)

jdl008 小学作文 2024-06-03 25浏览 0

篮球运动的好处英语范文一 The sport of basketball is known as a fun past time for any person young or old Basketball is a great way of exercise and a great way to have fun with friends and possibly make some new ones I love to watch and play the game, basketball is a。

一#xF338#xF338#xF338案例来咯 英语作文 My favourite sport is playing badminton It is a very popular game and both of the young and the old can play it There are many kinds of ways to play it , such as men’s singles , women’s singles , men’s doubles , women’s doubles and。


篮球比赛的英语作文篇一 Regarding individuals, some people are born with the desire to succeed, no matter what the situation or task that they are facing These people may evolve into the classic quotType Aquot personalities that work ferociously because they are driven by an internal fire。

打篮球英语作文1 I like to play basketball very much, so when I wentto middle school, I joined the basketball team我很喜欢打篮球,因此当我上初中的时候,我加入了篮球队Last week, our team had a match, we were againstanother school, all of us were so excited , becausethi。

从我小时候起,我就喜欢打篮球下面是我为大家精心整理的文章,希望对大家有所帮助篮球比赛 Since I was small, I like to play basketball, because I was effected by my father, he likes to watch basketball game so much, I will watch the basketball game with him So when I went。

too Let’s play basketball together OK?我最喜欢的运动是篮球,每天早上我在我们学校体育馆打篮球我的体育老师告诉我说打篮球会让我长高而且变的强壮因为我篮球打得好,所以现在我是我们学校篮球队的成员我比以前更努力地打篮球我的体育老师教我如何打得更好我取得了进步我有我自己的。

作文如下I like playing basketball As we all know,doing sporys is good for our healthAs for me,I like playing basketball You know,piaying basketball is good for our heart,lungs,head and so on众所周知,我喜欢打篮球,做运动对我们的健康有好处至于我,我喜欢打篮球你知道。

1 Since I was small, I have enjoyed playing basketball, as I was influenced by my father who is a big fan of basketball games I would watch games with him, and when I started school, I joined the basketball team in my class, which consists of a group of players2。


我喜欢篮球英语作文50词范文My Favorite Sport basketballI like sports verymuch Football, basketball, running and swimming are my favorites But I likeplaying basketball most, because I think playing basketball is very cool andinteresting I often play basketball with my classmates。

短篇英语作文篮球赛 The Basketball Game 篮球赛 The game was scheduled to start at start at eight o#39clock on Friday night Long before that, people began to arrive at the gymnasium By seventhirty the seats were almost filled The school band was there they wore yellow and black。


My best favorite sport is basketballMy hometown Dalang is a famous “Basketball Town” Everybody likes playing basketball here I love playing basketball, too It’s my favorite sportEvery morning I go to play it in our school gym My PE teacher told me that playing。

you can do everything you want without hurting anyone ,then after you finished ,you will find your sorrrow has gone ,and you are not so angry againso that#39s one of the charming of the basketall译文作为世界一个最重要的运动,篮球在中国越来越受欢迎,尤其是青少年为什么篮球。

打篮球的乐趣 我是一个运动爱好者,篮球乒乓球羽毛球···都是我喜欢的运动项目其中,篮球是我的最爱,因为它带给了我无穷的乐趣每当我穿上运动衣,奔跑在篮球场上,就有一种无拘无束的自由感觉蓝天白云阳光清新的空气让我把一切烦恼泡在脑后当我在球场上有节奏的拍打着篮球时。

他未曾料到,由他创建的篮球项目竟然在二百多个国家流传市面着,而且至今美国篮球还誉满全球 为了纪念奈史密斯博士发明的篮球的功绩,在春田学院校园内修建了美国篮球名人馆詹姆斯·奈史密斯纪念馆起初,奈史密斯将两只桃篮别钉在键身房内看台的栏杆上,桃篮上沿距离地面304米,用足球作比赛工具。

On the other hand,I am in good healthBecause of that,I like basketball better than beforeYou also can see,when I am angry,I will piay basketball,then,I may be happy I like playing basketball,what is your favorite sport?翻译 众所周知,我喜欢打篮球,做运动对我们的健康有。

I like playing basketball My extracurricular life,is so rich and variedreading,Internet,listen to music,playing basketball may be my favorite is playing basketballWinter vacation day,and several students came to school on the playground playing basketballWe divided into two teams。

写爱好的作文可以直接开门见山写自己喜欢的游戏是什么,然后进行叙述,以下是我给的3给参考范文,希望能帮到您! #xF388#xF388#xF388英语范文 Among lots of sports, basketball is my favourite game I fell in love with it the first time I touched it I really enjoy the feeling when you shoot the ball right。



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